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You are what you eat. 


What you put into your mouth is what is processed by your body, and is what your body uses to make new cells and repair damaged tissue. 


It is from this that the hard truth stems from - if you eat healthy foods, you'll be able to live a healthy life. But if you eat junk, your health will be junk.





There are a ton of delicious fast food options available all around us, every where we go in urban Singapore. 


Fast food tastes great. It has a lot of salt and preservatives added in to enhance the flavour. Also, a lot of fast food meats are very fatty, since fatty meat tastes better and juicier, and is more tender.


Fast food is so convenient, that sometimes when we're caught at work or are rushing for time, simply ordering a ready-made sandwich or burger is actually a lot easier than looking for a healthier option.


And fast food is really cheap as well. A nutritious salad or balanced meal costs quite a bit more in most places, when compared to a generic burger or slice of pizza in a fast food joint. Buying a soft drink is sometimes cheaper than getting a bottle of water in a fast food restaurant.


It's very tempting to fall into the fast food trap, and start eating it on a regular basis because it tastes better than healthier food, is so convenient to get, and is cheaper than healthier alternatives.


You must remember the negative effects fast food has on your body - it can make you obese, increase your risk of developing chronic medical conditions like Diabetes, Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia, and it also increases your risk of developing heart disease or a stroke. If that wasn't scary enough, it also increases your risk of developing colon cancer because it is so processed.


Be on your guard, and avoid unhealthy fast food!





A lot of people do actually realize what health foods are, and can name a few when asked. However, these same people may find it difficult to actually follow through and eat healthy foods, or at least eat them regularly for an extended period of time.


It is important to understand that your diet is key in helping you to manage your weight, health conditions, and keeping trim and fit. Without a healthy diet, regular exercise is less than half the story. 


Read up on health foods, learn as much as you can, and then implement this knowledge by forcing yourself to stick to a healthy diet for most (if not all) your meals for an extended period.


It does take a lot of effort to educate yourself, plan your meals and prepare the food, but the health benefits are well worth the extra time and effort you spend on it.






If you eat unhealthy foods regularly, your health will be bad. There isn't any way around that. You'll live life with more medical conditions to look after, more medications to eat every day, and more doctor's appointments to go for. You may end up with a disability, and not be able to engage in the recreational activities you enjoy. At the very worst, you'll be eating yourself into an early end.


The truth is harsh, but it is the truth. Take the time and effort to evaluate yourself today, and decide if today is going to be the day you make a positive change for yourself.


Your neighbourhood doctor and the dieticians in the hospitals can nag at you all they want, but without 110% effort from you, you'll never be able to make the important health choices in life and take charge of your health.




Your health is in your hands. YOU decide if you're going to indulge in a plate of delicious 'char kway teow', 'chicken rice' or a yummy juicy burger, or if you'll have a balanced meal of Basmati rice, boiled veggies and skinless chicken breast. One sounds better than the other, but the healthy choice is obvious.


Nothing worth having comes easy. Be self-disciplined, and make the right choices today!


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