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The five love languages refers to a book written by a marriage counsellor, Dr Gary Chapman. It describes the five main ways in which we express loves to those around us, and how we would similarly like people to indicate that they love us. His book was a bestseller, selling millions of copies, and has helped people around the world build and maintain healthy and loving relationships.


The five love languages he talks about are:

  • Words of affirmation

  • Acts of service

  • Physical touch

  • Receiving gifts

  • Quality time.


Each of these describe an invaluable part of what is needed to build a healthy relationship with your special someone. You can check his book out at


They also have a really neat quiz you can take on their website, whether you are single, or in a relationship. There are a series of questions to answer, which help the website algorithm determine what your main ‘love language’ is, and at the end of the quiz, they have a brief report to help you understand yourself and your significant other better.


The results of this quiz can help serve as a guide to help you both understand how you can love each other more fully, and meet each other's emotional needs better. Give it a go!





We often think of love as something that simply happens as sparks fly when we meet our soulmate. However, in reality, love takes a lot of effort to build and maintain.


Without this effort, we may risk losing the one we love as the initial feelings of infatuation we feel towards someone fade over time. The five love languages described in Dr Chapman’s book will help you to build and maintain a meaningful relationship with the one you love.

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