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It’s always nice to give someone a gift. It’s extra special when it comes from someone you love, and when it comes as a little surprise!


You should definitely remember the special days in your partner’s life - their birthday, New Year’s, your anniversary, and the religious holidays you may celebrate together. These are special days that warrant a gift. There isn’t a need to break the bank and buy an expensive present for every occasion, but you should definitely prepare something for your loved one. 


You can get a cute gift that is connected to your relationship or a special date, something pretty, or something that your partner has been wanting for some time. 

If you are lucky enough to actually know what your partner wants for a present, you should definitely go ahead and get it, if it is within your means.


Your partner will value you having listened to him or her, and getting the gift they wanted. This adds value to your gift, going beyond the actual material value of the gift itself.


A loving relationship is built on communication, and a present that was chosen out of you listening and understanding your partner will be a lot more meaningful than something expensive but generic.


You can also make something for your partner. This act of love is far more valuable than being able to simply buy something, since it shows that you had to take the time and effort to put the gift together.


For your partner’s next celebration, why not stop by the art store for supplies, and make your own card? After the ‘Beauty and the Beast’ live-action film was released, there were quite a few stores selling preserved roses at a hefty price - instead of simply buying one, why not make one out of wire and felt? Not all that glitters is gold.


You should definitely also try to surprise your partner with these little gifts as well. You don’t need to wait for a special day to prepare a gift, although you should definitely have a gift ready on those special days.


Surprise your loved one with a small but thoughtful present on any random day in the month, and make their day. the unanticipated nature of the present will make it even more special and valuable.




Take the time to prepare a thoughtful present for your special someone, on their special days in the year, and also randomly in the month. The act of gift-giving helps you show your love for one another. Being able to make your own gift helps you go a step further. Take the time and effort to appreciate your loved ones today!

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