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We are all very busy in our daily lives. There’s always so much work to be done, and so many things that need our attention. In the hustle and bustle of our work week, it can be difficult to take time to appreciate one another.


Most of us can remember the sweet days of the dating phase we shared with our partners. We used to spend hours on end just sitting together, cuddling up, and watching the world go by. But as we grow and move ahead with our lives and careers, there is often a lot of added responsibility that comes along and takes up much of time. All this ‘white noise’ in our lives threaten to drown out what is actually important - the love we have for each other. 


Quality time together is vitally important for to nurture a healthy relationship. During these periods of quality time, there isn’t a need to discuss anything important together. Instead, you should aim to just spend time together, and be together. You can talk about anything you wish, or nothing at all - the point of quality time is to spend time together, not to complete a task or discussion.


Unless you set some time aside for each other, this aspect of the relationship may be overlooked and minimised, and you and your partner may only grab what free time there is together, but never have the assurance of this quality time together being present on a very regular basis.


You should try to schedule a period in the week for the two of you to spend this quality time together. It should be at the same time every week, so both of you have something to look forward to, and you both know that although the days may be busy and may fly by really quick, there will always be this protected period of time every week for you to spend time together and cherish one another.


Try to set aside a significant block of time to spend together - ideally half an hour to an hour. Quality time is great, but you’ll never be able to connect meaningfully with your loved one if you only have five to ten minutes together. 


You should also try to have a peaceful, quiet place to do this together. Being out and about in a noisy environment will make it difficult to focus on each other and to be intimate with each other in terms of what you talk about. You cannot discuss private matters in a public place very comfortably. It would be ideal if this place were to be a quiet corner at home, since you know you won’t be disturbed. 


It can sometimes be difficult to find a quiet corner at home, especially if you have children or pets, but there are ways you can work around this as well. You can try giving them something to occupy them and asking that they not disturb you, or you can have your quiet time together after the kids have been put to bed. You can also get some help from your family to watch the kids for the evening. 


You also need to remove any electronics that may be a distraction. Quality time means spending time TOGETHER. You won’t be able to focus on each other if you’re on your phone. In such a connected world, it can be difficult to switch off, but that is exactly what is needed to have quality time together. Turn your mobile phone off, and focus on each other instead.


In our own home, my wife and I have a small corner in a part of the home with a sofa and cushions. We’ve decorated it with lots of artificial flowers as well, to add a sweet feel to the room. We set aside half an hour to an hour of time on Tuesdays or Sundays, to sit together in the room and chat about whatever we want together. the only electronic device in the room (apart from the air-conditioner and lamp) is a bluetooth speaker that plays us some instrumental love songs in the background as we spend time together. We also do not use that area of the home except for these segments of quality time together. Having that area be used exclusively for our quality time together helps us to focus on each other.




You may think that you spend lots of time together with your partner, but if you take the time to think about it, actual QUALITY TIME together may sometimes be a bit deficient. Set aside protected time for each other, and focus on one another. Get rid of the distractions during this protected time. You relationship will improve, and you’ll grow closer together.

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