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Life holds a lot of great things for all of us. We may not realise it, but we all have a lot to be thankful for, like our families and loved ones. There are so many beautiful things to see in the world around us, so many new and wonderful things to experience. But poor health can stop us from enjoying these things in life. 


Without a conscious desire to change our lifestyles and improve our health, we will miss out on these valuable experiences in life. 


But change is difficult. Change is scary. Change is inconvenient.


It's easy to find reasons not to look after your health. Work is too busy. You're too tired. You don't think you can change. You're not motivated to change. You prefer to enjoy life, rather than be disciplined.


We can all find reasons not to be strict with our health. Some of these reasons do actually make sense, and almost all of them can be defended and justified.


You need to decide for yourself, that YOU want to make a change, and make a difference in your life. The people around you can nag all they want, but without motivation that truly comes from within, nothing will ever change.


Without you DESIRING to change yourself, it will be difficult to maintain any sort of routine, or to push yourself to go beyond your limits.


Take some time today to think about the things that you dislike about your health. Are you carrying too much extra weight? Are your aches and pains bothering you? Is your stress level approaching a breaking point?


Think about whether these are issues that you can overcome. 


If you want to overcome, you'll need to do a few things.


Start off by learning. Learn as much as you can about your health, and the medical conditions that you have. Learn about what you can do to manage them. YOU. Not your family, not your friends, not your doctor, but YOU.


Come up with a plan, for you to implement positive change in your life. For example, if you suffer from heart disease and need to lose some weight, you may want to start with a short morning briskwalk. Set aside time in your daily routine to prepare, go for your walk, cool down, and clean up. Failing to plan is planning to fail. You need to decide beforehand WHAT you are going to do, and WHEN you are going to do it. 


Next comes the hardest part. Once you have a plan, you need to instill a sense of self-discipline in yourself, to follow through on the plan you have formulated. The best diet and exercise plan in the world is as good as the worst plan if you do not have the discipline to consistently follow it.


Review your progress on a weekly and monthly basis. Tweak your overall plan, and adjust what you need to, so that you can continue to progress towards your goals surely and efficiently.


If you consistently follow a sound diet and exercise plan, you WILL see change in yourself. The change will take time. It will not happen in a day, or a week, or a month. But if you continue with a healthy lifestyle for a year, consistently choosing the healthier option over the path of least resistance, you WILL see a positive change in yourself.


Give the articles on this website a read, but remember that this is only part of your own journey to learn more about your health. Read as many health articles as you can (from trusted sources), and formulate your own healthy practices.


Now get up, and get going!

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