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Ever wanted to have a special way of sending your loved one a cute message without using your phone? Check this nifty little gadget out!




Some of us grew up in the time before mobile phones were so prevalent and fun and easy to use to connect with each other. Back then, we wrote letters, and emails. The cool thing to use to connect used to be this chatroom programme called ‘MSN messenger’, and you could set a display picture, pick a one-liner slogan, and chat with your friends (much the way we use Whatsapp Web today).


Communication has evolved since then - we can send each other texts, pictures and videos so easily and quickly now, it just doesn’t seem all that special anymore. 


That’s why I chose to get a Lovebox Messenger for my wife. It’s essentially a little box with a Wifi antennae and an LCD screen, and you can send messages to it from the app on your phone. It sounds pretty simple and not as convenient as simply sending someone a Whatsapp or Telegram, but it turned out to be a really cute way of leaving my wife a message during the day.


It isn’t cheap at all, and you do have to get it shipped over, but after using it for some months, I feel it’s well worth the money.


You can get it at, just search for ‘lovebox messenger’. it comes in monochrome and colour LCD display options, but the colour screen version does cost more.


You do need to keep it plugged in though, since it doesn’t have a built in battery pack.

Download the Lovebox Messenger app, get signed in, and get connected! It doesn’t take very long, but I did have to go through three tries before I managed to connect to my Lovebox - I hit some error messages, but I just keyed in the same information on the sign in page again and again, and it eventually worked (just go ahead and google how to troubleshoot setting it up if you run into any snags!).


When you send a message to your loved one, the little heart on the front of the box will start spinning, to let you know that you’ve gotten a new message. When the lid is taken off, the message will be displayed, and the heart will stop spinning.


The sender of the message will also get a phone notification when the message has been read!


You can send typed messages, or choose from a range of cute little GIFs included on the app. A lot of the GIFs contain wording in French, but there are some with English wording as well.


You can also actually draw something out on your phone in the app, and send that as your message as well. But I never really did that since my drawing skills aren’t all that good. Still, it’s an option if you’d prefer to do that.




Looking for a cute anniversary present? The Lovebox Messenger may be a bit pricey, but it’s a really fun and novel way to send your loved one messages through the day!

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