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It's important to do some simple knee strengthening exercises a few times a week, to keep your thigh and buttock muscles strong and healthy. Strong muscles help support your joints as you go about your daily life, reducing the frequency of knee and hip joint aches and pains.





Try to do a round of each of these exercises every other day. Working your thigh muscles regularly keeps them strong, and maintains the muscle mass.




Lie down flat on an exercise mat, with your legs straight. Point the toes of your right leg back towards your head, and while keeping your toes like this, raise your entire right leg off the floor, keeping it straight. Raise it up to about 30 to 40 degrees, and hold it there. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds, then lower it back down to the floor gently. Repeat on the other leg. Do a total of 20 to 30 repetitions on each leg.




Find a dining chair with the seat at about knee height. Sit down on it, keeping both thighs straight in front of you, with your knees bent, and your feet flat on the ground, approximately shoulder-width apart. Arch your lower back slightly by bracing your shoulders back, and looking up ahead of you, stand up. When you stand, try to keep your arms crossed over your chest, or held out straight in front of you. Don't use your arms to push yourself off the chair. Sit back down gently, and repeat 20 to 30 times.




This is actually a buttock muscle exercise, but it'll also help you manage your knee pain since your buttock muscles are in charge of the rotation of your lwoer limb, give it a try.


Get on all fours on the floor, and slowly raise your right arm straight ahead, while lifting your left leg straight behind you. Hold it for 2 to 3 seconds, then lower your arm and leg back down. Repeat it on the other side. Do a total of 10 to 15 repetitions
on each side, and repeat the entire set 2 to 3 times after resting for a minute.




Walking (and jogging) will help strengthen your thigh and calf muscles, and keep them working well as you age. Try to go for a briskwalk for 20 to 30 minutes several times a week. Just remember to wear sports shoes with a good cushioned insole so that you don't get a foot strain.




These simple strengthening exercises are really easy to do, and can help keep your thigh muscles strong and healthy. It's inconvenient to have to do these exercises regularly through the week, but they'll help minimise the frequency of hip and
knee joint pains. There's actually another exercise you can try called 'hip bridges', but it was not included here since you can injure your neck if you do it wrongly. Just look it up on YouTube if you're interested in trying it, but make sure you do it correctly! It'll help strengthen up your hamstring muscles.


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