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Heel pain can be a source of nagging discomfort that can be difficult to shake off once you get it, since so much of your daily lives involve us standing and walking around.




Most of the time, heel pain is due to one of 2 conditions - Plantar Fasciitis, or Achilles Tendon Insertional Tendonitis.


There are other causes of heel pain, but most people will have either one (or both) of these conditions as the main culprit causing their persistent heel pain.




This refers to inflammation in the ligament that runs under your foot, from your heel to the front of your foot. Inflammation can happen when there is too much repetitive stress on this ligament over a prolonged period. You'll have pain on the bottom of your heel, which may be worse in the morning and every time you put some weight on your foot.


Check out our article on Plantar Fasciitis here to find out more.




This is just a long medical term that refers to inflammation to your large Achilles Tendon that lies behind your heel. You can strain it from overusing this tendon, such as when you run or jump too much or too often. You'll have pain behind your heel, which will get worse when you walk, run, jump, or try and tip toe. We've also got an article on Achilles Tendon Tendonitis, check it out here.




You can go ahead and see a doctor if your pain is persistent beyond a week, after getting enough rest and trying to do some stretches at home. Your doctor can check your foot to make sure there isn't something else serious that's happening, and can prescribe you some anti-inflammatory medications that usually help you both manage the pain, and speed up the recovery process.




On your part, there are a few things you can try doing:




When you carry more weight, you put more stress on the tendons and ligaments in your foot, and are more likely to strain and injure them. Losing some weight will help alleviate your foot issues quite nicely. Follow a healthy diet (like Intermittent Fasting) and regular exercise regime to maintain a healthy weight.




You need adequate rest between exercise sessions. If you run long distances daily, or do lot's of jumping exercises, you're going to end up with foot pain if you don't give your body some time to rest and recover between workouts. Try and take at least 1 to 2 days between workout sessions so your body can rest and recover adequately!


Once you do have a foot problem, you need to rest so that the inflammation can settle down and your body can recover. If you have a mechanical problem causing pain, you're not going to recover if you keep stressing the affected area again and again, without giving it time to recover. Rest adequately from your physical exercise and try and stay off your feet all the way until your pain has settled.




When you walk for long distances or try to exercise in improper footwear, you can strain your foot because of the stress on your joints, tendons and ligaments. Look for a sports shoe with a nice, thickly-cushioned sole, and wear it whenever you're out of the house. It may not be the most fashionable thing to wear, but it'll help keep you from getting a foot strain.




The 2 conditions we mentioned above - Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendon tendonitis - will both respond to foot stretches. If you have either of these conditions, doing your stretches several times daily will help the inflammation in the affected area to settle down, and your pain will improve. Check out some of our recommended foot stretches here.


The caveat is that you do need to do these exercise regularly, several times daily, for you to see a significant change in your condition.




There have been several medical studies that indicate a reduction in inflammation in your body when your body is in a fasted state. Give Intermittent Fasting a go - it'll help you manage your weight well, and may help you with your persistent aches and pains.


Check out our guide to getting started with Intermittent Fasting here.




Heel pain is a common issue, and almost all of us are going to experience it at some point in our lives - usually after a bout of exercise that we're not used to, or an injury. Read up more on the two main conditions you can get in your heel area, and what you can do to manage them.

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