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The Glycemic Index is a ranking system that rates foods on a scale of 0-100 on how much the food causes a rapid rise in your blood sugar levels.


A food with a low Glycemic Index is healthier, since it does not cause a sudden spike in your blood sugar levels. A food with a low Glycemic Index will cause a gradual, sustained rise in your blood sugar levels after the meal, helping you to function well until your next meal.


On the other hand, a food with a high Glycemic Index is not as healthy for you, as it will cause a sudden spike in your blood sugar level after the meal, and can cause you to have a short, sudden burst of energy, followed by you feeling very lethargic and sluggish after your Insulin levels peak and your blood sugar level falls again.


Always try to pick foods with a low Glycemic Index, since this will help you to maintain a healthy weight, avoid post-meal energy surges and crashes, and avoid developing Insulin Resistance, and Diabetes. (Give our article on Diabetes a read to learn more about Insulin Resistance and Diabetes).


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Here is a short list of some of the common carbohydrate sources we see on a daily basis. Try to check your food before you eat, and always go for a lower Glycemic Index option!




Basmati rice: 51
Brown rice: 68
White rice: 73


Kway Teow: 60
Mee Pok: 57
Bee Hoon: 58
Wanton Noodles: 57




Multigrain Bread: 55
Wholemeal Bread: 74
White Bread: 75




Rolled Oats: 57
Instant Oats: 79
Quinoa: 53




Pasta: 51




Eating foods with a low Glycemic Index is beneficial for your health. It does take some time to check your foods before your meal, but the health benefits are worth this extra effort! Just take those extra few minutes to Google check something before eating!


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