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We sometimes find that we feel very tired and fatigued every day, especially with our busy lifestyles. Rest and good stress management will help, but we may sometimes not realise that we are deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. 


Supplements are a useful addition to our daily diet, since they help us top up any of these vitamins and minerals we may be deficient in, and help our bodies run at 100% so we can get through our hectic days.


Having said that, supplements are SUPPLEMENTS. You should still do your best to maintain a healthy, balanced diet, get enough rest and exercise, and manage your personal stress well. Supplements are an add-on item, and should not be seen as a substitute for a healthy lifestyle.


I like getting my supplements form, since it's a lot cheaper than buying it from a physical pharmacy or health store.




This is an absolutely essential supplement. Get a complete multi-vitamin from a good brand, and take 1 tablet daily. A good brand to consider is Centrum - it's a very complete multivitamin, is affordable, and is well-trusted - it is the brand of multi-vitamin carried in public hospitals in Singapore.




Fish oil capsules provide you with Omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are good for you, and are very important in helping you maintain a normal, healthy metabolism, good mental function and focus, healthy hair and nails, and they also help you regulate and maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Take one to two 1000 mg capsules a day.


If you prefer, you can buy and take 'Krill Oil' instead. This is essentially a more powerful version of fish oil, and offers the same benefits, but is more potent.





A lot of us are deficient in Vitamin D, because of our sedentary lifestyles. If you are also someone who does not like exercising outdoors when it's too sunny, you're at a higher risk of having a Vitamin D deficiency since you won't be getting enough sunlight. A Vitamin D deficiency can make you feel more lethargic, and get muscle and joint aches. In the long run, a deficiency can make your bones weak, and more prone to getting fractures.


You can take a low-dose replacement capsule daily, like the one we've shown below. This capsule has only 400 units of Vitamin D, so you can't overdose on it if you take just 1 capsule a day, and it'll slowly help to correct any Vitmain D deficiency. Simply taking a low-dose replacement is a lot cheaper than checking your blood Vitmain D levels, since such a test typically costs $100 to $150.


Having said that, most doctors would check your Vitmain D levels if you have a broken bone, and the blood test shows that you are deficient, you'll take a higher dose of replacement medication, depending on the degree of deficiency on your blood test.





These 3 supplements are really basic but essential things that you should definitely be taking daily. they're safe, and cheap. The 3 supplements we've mentioned here are important for maintaining a healthy metabolism and your mental function. You should be taking them, even if you feel fine.

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