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Interval training is a great way to burn fat. You're essentially doing some resistance training exercises in a circuit fashion, meaning that you perform one exercise after another until you have finished up all the exercises in the circuit, rest 1 minute, and repeat for the stipulated number of rounds.


You can check out our article on BASIC INTERVAL TRAINING to learn a bit more and try some beginner training circuits there. Once you feel comfortable with those circuits, you can try the circuits we post here for a bit more of a challenge and to ramp up your fat burning efforts. Remember, no pain, no gain! You need to push your physical limits to see the results you want in your body. 


Some ladies worry about becoming too muscular with resistance exercises, but it isn't really something you should worry about. It is incredibly difficult to build big muscles, and doing exercises like those we post in these circuits will make you look more toned, but definitely not big or bulky.


You can do one of these circuits on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or do a different circuit each time on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to add a bit of variety to your workout routine. The main thing to remember is to have a day of rest in between your circuit training sessions.


If you want to lose fat faster, you can try doing some fasted cardio sessions in the mornings - go for a run or bike ride on an empty stomach, for half an hour. Just remember to hydrate well before, during, and after your exercise. 


We'll add new workouts to this page from time to time, so check back here regularly! Have fun training, and remember to wear appropriate attire and train safely!

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