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There are different kinds of breast cancer, with some being more aggressive than others.


There are ways to manage different kinds of breast cancer, with most involving surgery and chemotherapy. 


Your prognosis and outcome is far better if any problems are picked up in the early stage, so it is important to get your screening tests done regularly.




There are some factors that can increase your risk of developing a breast tumour.


Some you can change, like your lifestyle. People who are not active, are obese or smoke are at a higher risk of getting breast cancer.


Also, women on oral contraceptives, or who have a late first pregnancy, or no pregnancy, are at a higher risk of getting breast cancer as well.


There are also some factors that you cannot change, such as having a history of cancer in the family, or having received radiation therapy for other tumours.




Do a self-examination every month.


Feel each breast for any lumps, and look for any discharge from your nipples. Check your skin as well, to look for any redness, ulcers, or dimpling of the skin.


See a doctor quickly if you notice anything out of the ordinary, and he or she will check you and send you for the necessary tests.




You can get a screening mammogram done to look for any abnormal calcifications or other abnormalities in the breast tissue, which may indicate an early tumour.


Women aged 40 to 49 years old can go for one every year, and this can be reduced to once every 2 years from 50 years of age onwards.


A mammogram can be a little uncomfortable, since there is some pressure applied to the breast with some plastic plates to spread the breast tissue out, to increase the accuracy of the mammogram. 




Your doctor can send you for additional tests like an ultrasound or MRI scan of the breast, and refer you to a surgeon to have it managed.




There are other tests that can be done to check the breast tissue, such as an ultrasound scan or MRI scan, but the current recommended type of screeening is with a mammogram.




It can be uncomfortable and inconvenient to go for a mammogram regularly, but it helps you detect any tumours before the lump can be felt. Get yourself checked today!

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