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Everyone has episodes of low back pain from time to time, and most of these episodes are simple mechanical back strains. However, there are serious conditions that can happen in the low back. 




You can get a mechanical back strain from carrying something heavy, lifting something with poor posture, or from sitting with poor posture for a very prolonged period of time.


This pain is typically mild to moderate in severity, does not persist for very long, and settles down with some rest and medication. There is also usually a noticeable trigger to these episodes of pain, most people are able to tell WHY they started having their low back pain.





There are some things that may indicate that you need to see a doctor and may need some tests done.



If you've been getting some rest and took some medications but your pain isn't really improving, that's a sign that you need to get it checked further. Normal mechanical strains should settle down after some rest, with or without medications (though
muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory medications will speed this recovery process up).


A serious condition in your spine may cause pain that persists despite treatment, or just settles for a short period then recurs right after your medication wears off.

Another worrying part of this persistent pain is if the back pain affects your sleep for days on end. If you're having pain at night, and it's stopping you from getting to sleep, and it's been going on like this for more than a few days, you should really get it checked further, with at least an x-ray. The last thing you want to miss is a tumour in your spine.




If you have degeneration in the cartilage disc in your spine (the intervertebral disc), and it prolapses out, it can put pressure on the nerves in your back, and cause some symptoms in your legs. You may feel pain 'running down' from your back to your leg - this kind of feels like an electric current going down your leg. You may also have some weakness or numbness in that leg. These symptoms are very indicative of there being an issue of your intervertebral disc pressing on your spinal nerves.


You may need an MRI scan, just speak to your doctor about your symptoms.




If your intervertebral disc prolapses out and presses on your spinal cord, you may have problems with your bladder and bowel function. You may notice that you cannot control yourself and that your urine or stool leaks out without you realizing, or that you are unable to pass urine or pass motion for quite some time despite straining to.


These symptoms are very important, and they indicate an EMERGENCY! You need to get down to a hospital immediately so that an urgent MRI scan can be performed for you, since you may need urgent surgery to take the pressure off your spinal cord.



Mechanical back pain is a common issue, but you need to be aware of some important signs and symptoms that may indicate that you actually have a serious spine issue going on. Speak to your doctor today if you're unsure about whether your symptoms are worrying or not.

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