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Apart from telling our partners how much we love them, we can also show them, with what we do in our daily lives.


Every day, we do so much for ourselves, and each other. We may have homes to maintain, little ones to care for, groceries to stock up on, and a thousand other little errands that need to be done daily.


Take a step back, and think - when was the last time you actively took the time and effort to go beyond your own scope of work and duties, to take up some of the burden of your special someone?


If it has been a while, that’s something you’d best look at changing!


By doing acts of service for one another, we show our love for them, by taking the time and effort out of your own busy schedules to take care of our loved ones. 


These acts of service can be in response to a need that our partner has expressed. For example, if your partner has told you they’re feeling overwhelmed with work, perhaps you can pick up their share of the household chores, to give them more time to focus on and finish up their work. If they say they’re feeling particularly exhausted after a busy week, why not volunteer to take care of any children or pets you may have, so your partner has more time to sleep in? 


You can also actively reach out to help, even if your partner has not said anything. Some of us have partners who are rather staunch, and may not express a need for help, even when they would benefit from it.


This is where we need to observe our partners to see if there are any gaps we can fill, and then actively step up and offer to help them. We can also go ahead with our own acts of service, and give our partner a pleasant surprise. For example, you do not need to wait to help out with your partner’s share of the errands, if you have some free time and feel like helping.


You can also try top make this a regular contribution. Instead of performing an act of service once in a while, you can try and pick out a little chore that you think you can take over, and build it into your routine.


For example, I normally cook in the afternoons, so I’ve also decided to take the time to help my wife boil the veggies she normally has for dinner. It's a minor inconvenience, but that little bit of time it takes me probably means a lot more to her than the inconvenience does to me.




When your partner talks about something you can help with, you should definitely try and contribute and help out where you can. This is one of the ways you show your love!

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